đŸ“ĒInscribe your Gochi

Step 1 - Insert the required data

Go to the app page with your DESKTOP browser and insert the required data: ordinal Id to inscribe in the Gotchi and taproot address where will it'll be sended

Step 2 - Customize and start mint

Click on one of the coloured box to set your custom colors for the Gotchi sections

Click the Inscribe button and follow the rules:

1 - Access the app and mint your Gotchi ONLY USING DESKTOP BROWSERS (don't navigate to the app using mobile devices) and DON'T CLOSE THE WEB APP AFTER THE INSCRIPTION START

2 - In case of "dust error" showed in the app please RECLICK THE INSCRIBE BUTTON

Step 3 - Inscribe

Copy the displayed address and send to it the amount of BTC requested

Step 4 - Wait Tx confirmation

Wait for the mempool scanner's response and confirmation of the transaction

Last updated